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ChipChick asked "What Do Michael Phelps and Headphones for Cats Have in Common? What does Michael Phelps and a cat have in common this week? SOL Republic headphones apparently!" Meanwhile HomeBrewAudio posts "Michael Phelps Told To Cover His SOL REPUBLIC Tracks Headphones? B ut on the night of his last swim, he came out with a hoodie over his headphones. And when the camera showed him in close-up, it was clear that there was a piece of white tape covering the SOL REPUBLIC logo. What up with that?"

ChipChick asked "What Do sol republic Michael Phelps and Headphones for Cats Have in Common? What does Michael Phelps and a cat have in common this week? SOL Republic headphones apparently!" Meanwhile HomeBrewAudio posts "Michael Phelps Told To Cover His SOL REPUBLIC Tracks Headphones? B ut on the night of his last swim, he sol republic tracks hd came out with a hoodie over his headphones. And when the camera showed him in close-up, it was clear that there was a piece of white tape covering the SOL REPUBLIC logo. What up with that?"

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